This species was first separated from Common Pipistrelle in the late 1990s. The peak frequency of its echolocation call is usually around 55kHz, but can range from 50-60kHz. Similar in size to the Common Pipistrelle, Soprano Pipistrelles usually have a partially bare face that is pinkish in colour. Although the distribution map shows fewer records, this is still a widespread and locally common species. Soprano Pipistrelle bats are known to favour foraging on species of insects that are found near water, so their roosts have a tendency to be closer to wetlands than those of Common Pipistrelles. Otherwise roost sites are similar in that they will use a wide variety of small crevices, including those in modern buildings. Although roosts supporting less than 100 bats are not unusual this species tends to form the largest maternity roosts among North Yorkshire bats. Several roosts with more than 500 bats are known, the largest supporting around 950 bats.